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I had a lovely time today

and these are the pictures

that were taken.

I hope you like them.....

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Me and Joanne����� Me, Amelia and Gabriella�������� The girls and boys came out to play ....

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Me and Amelia getting ready to start opening the presents, eating stuffed monkeys and playing with the Playdo that Auntie Dee bought Amelia.

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All the UK-based family. ��� Teesside's VC (!). ������������������ Grandma. ��������������� Nanny & Poppa.

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Me and Amelia and the Cake.��� Me and the cake.��������� Me, Mummy and Amelia.

I had a lovely time and would like to say 'Nack Noo' to everyone who bought me a present.

And a special 'Nack Noo' to my Mummy who made it such a lovely day.

Rebecca (Aged 2)

PS Daddy was there but he took all the photos (and ate all the bagels) If you've visited this page please e-mail Mummy at [email protected] and tell her